See also: Mail App Keeps Crashing. 2- Set up your email account using IMAP. Please note that this process will delete your messages and will no longer available on your Mac. But do not worry, your mails will not be removed from Google’s servers, you can still access your mails via web site. Here is how: Open the Mail App; Click Mail.
This is a simple solution to a frustrating problem. In the Apple Mail app I have a folder that says Flagged. It’s not something you can throw away. It just appears if you have flagged messages and lists them for you.
- Ensure clicking on respective folder-assignment to make sure that your files have been moving to the correct place. This will help you when Apple mail stuck on moving messages or mac mail moving messages slow to a certain extent.
- If you get a situation where macOS Mojave’s Mail app gets stuck moving messages, there is a solution of sorts but you do this entirely at your own risk and don't come crying to me if you lose all your email. What I was seeing was a message at the bottom of the left-hand pane of macOS’s Mail app that said: Moving message 1 of 183, and that.
That’s how is supposed to work. But for several weeks that folder was there and it said I had six messages. (By the way, this has nothing to do with the new operating system. The problem existed before I undated to Yosemite.) Every time it caught my eye I thought I had new mail. The folder was empty. I searched for flagged messages so I could unflag them and found nothing. It was really getting to me.
I consulted a friend for an answer and this is what worked. I opened every folder in mail one at a time. Be sure to do every one. I used Command A to select them all. Again, be sure to do it this way. Then I flagged every one and immediately unflagged every one. By the time I finished the Flagged folder had disappeared from the folder list in Mail.
This trick will also work if you have messages marked as unread when you have read them already. To work with this problem do the select all and then select Message > Mark.
Now I can move onto really important stuff, like lunch.
After an extended, initially unfruitful chat with APPLE and some troubleshooting, it was suggested that I delete a mailbox within Apple Mail, an Embarqmail account. I was reluctant to do this but decided to try it. I went to the webmail page for that Embarqail account after I deleted some emails from with Apple Mail. Those emails weren't removed from the webmail page. It therefore occurred to me that Apple Mail wasn't communicating with that Embarqmail account.
I then decided to delete the Embarqmail account in Apple Mail. I then re-entered the Embarqmail account as a mailbox in Apple Mail and restarted my computer.
When the computer came back up the Embarqmail account in Apple Mail began populating with the emails that existed on the webmail page for Embarqmail.
Mac Mail App Stuck Moving Messages Iphone
I then began deleting some Embarqmail emails from with Apple Mail. The proper movement of mail began with Apple Mail resolving the 'movement' issue.
If you're encountering this problem tread carefully.
Mac Mail App Stuck Moving Messages For Her
Nov 17, 2016 5:19 PM